Our Approach
In the feeding of the 5000, Jesus says to his disciples, “You give them something to eat.” To these disciples, as they looked out upon the multitude, Jesus’ words seemed an impossible task, yet they brought what they had. Jesus took the gift, gave thanks, and a miracle took place.
Basic needs come first
The children Starfish Kenya supports have known hunger. Our desire is that they be fed and never have to go hungry again. We work with House of Hope and St. Anna Care Centre to provide every child with basic human needs – food, clothing, shelter, and basic medical care.
A newly-sponsored child approached Moses, Director of House of Hope, on the school sidewalk one day and exclaimed, “When I see you, I know I will eat today!”
A newly-sponsored child approached Moses, Director of House of Hope, on the school sidewalk one day and exclaimed, “When I see you, I know I will eat today!”
Beyond basic needs
A core value of Starfish Kenya is recognizing the needs of what we have termed “the whole child.” Our desire is that our sponsored children receive as much nurturing and opportunity for life, hope, growth and love as possible. This has been part of our DNA from the start.
In education and academics, House of Hope School recognizes the need for going beyond rote memory and emphasizes the model of the seven critical thinking skills of observation and analysis, interpretation, reflection, evaluation, inference, explanation, problem solving and decision-making.
We believe in the God-given uniqueness and gifts of each child, and we do our best to nurture and provide for differences in abilities and learning styles.
Through our partners at House of Hope and St. Anna Care Centre, we provide spiritual, mental and emotional support. In addition to academics, we provide hands-on skills training in carpentry, automotive, culinary arts, sewing, jewelry making, crop farming and dairy farming. Our mission team members have taught countless classes ranging from life skills – like budgeting and money management, to photography. Artistic expression is offered in visual arts and performing arts (drama, vocal and instrumental). Recognizing the importance of play and physical fitness, supporters of Starfish Kenya have provided playgrounds, sports fields, basketball courts and equipment. The children at House of Hope and St. Anna Care Centre are able to participate and compete with other regional schools in both sports and arts.
We believe in the God-given uniqueness and gifts of each child individually, and we do our best to nurture and provide for differences in abilities and learning styles. A good example of this is readily seen in two brothers we sponsor. One excels in academics, is part of the worship team at church, and plays the violin. His brother excels in carpentry and automotive skills. Both are given the chance every day to pursue the areas in which they have a natural inclination and ability. Both are of exceptional character, and it brings us great joy to help them hone their skills for the future.
Spiritual growth and life development
Ample opportunities for spiritual growth, maturity, and character development are offered at both House of Hope and St. Anna Care Centre. In addition to Sunday church and age-appropriate classes, daily chapel and Bible studies are a regular part of campus life. Trained counselors help the students with personal and private issues with which they might be struggling, and they offer help for the transition into higher education and life as young adults. The staff also invests time on weeknights and weekends to teach group sessions in such areas as character and life skills and how to handle difficulties, as well as offering tutoring to students who need extra help. As such, it is no surprise that students who have already entered adulthood participate in helping those students coming behind them. At St. Anna Care Centre, alumni Joseph Muriithi founded the Alumni Student Association for the purpose of helping our St. Anna Care Centre students. Additionally, alumni Edward Mwangi is now head teacher of St. Anna Primary School.
Trained counselors help the students with personal and private issues with which they might be struggling, and they offer help for the transition into higher education and life as young adults.
Innovation for the future
Starfish Kenya works to ensure that the students are given the necessary skills for their future. Library resources, both print and electronic, are made available to teachers and students. New computer labs are considered essential for the ability of our students to be competitive in a technologically advanced work environment. The children cared for through Starfish Kenya are outfitted for success.
In addition to computer technology, we have worked with House of Hope in innovative ways to develop solutions to unique challenges.
In addition to computer technology, we have worked with House of Hope in innovative ways to develop solutions to unique challenges. For instance, LEED architect and Starfish Kenya board member, Ken Newberry, engineered the “green” sewer treatment plant at House of Hope school to provide ability to handle the needs of 750 people on campus. As we began to recognize a need for an alternative to firewood, a biogas system was installed which allows cow manure from the dairy farm to be converted to gas. This provides cooking fuel and hot water for over 400 staff and children on campus at House of Hope. To solve the issue of hardships due to frequent power outages, a generator was provided to power the water well, commercial bakery, and freezers. This ensures the safety of critical meat and farm produce stored for the school. A solution was also implemented to provide electricity and lighting to the far end of campus for safety and evening studies.
Partnership has been an overwhelmingly key component in the success of Starfish Kenya. From the beginning, we have partnered with House of Hope and St. Anna Care Centre to work together to help children in need. Our financial partners have enabled us to care for over 600 children from pre-school through university since 2001. Countless volunteers in the U.S. have devoted their time and talents to helping over the years. The expertise of teachers, accountants, construction workers, engineers, medical personnel and artists, have catapulted the work of Starfish Kenya and helped keep administrative costs to a bare minimum. Starfish Kenya mission team workers, raising their own funds, have traveled to Kenya to serve, while stateside volunteers have served countless hours in fundraising, packing supplies and sharing the story of Starfish Kenya. Truly we are a family!
The expertise of teachers, accountants, construction workers, engineers, medical personnel and artists, have catapulted the work of Starfish Kenya and helped keep administrative costs to a bare minimum.

The Starfish Story
An old man walked up a shore littered with thousands of starfish, beached and dying after a storm. A young man was picking them up and flinging them back into the ocean, one by one. “Why do you bother?” the old man scoffed. “How can what you're doing possibly make a difference?” The young man picked up another starfish and sent it spinning back to the water. “It made a difference to that one,” he said.